Capability Coordinator Capability Coordinator imports datafiles from PitneyBowes MeterNet and converts to Capability invoices. Invoices kan be marked with accounts, cost center etc. 1. Provide the nessecary configuration data, see below. 2. Place the iport file obtained from PitnetBowes MeterNet in to import folder, normally located at C:\ProgramData\P.Cap\CapabilityCoordinator\Import 3. Start the application by double clicking or use Windows Scheduler to shedule recurrent executions of the import. Configuratrion data The configuration data is stored in the configuration file in the execution folder of Capability Coordinator. The name of the defaukt configuration file is Default.config. Configuration In the PCAP.Capability.ImportExport section *********************** Database sub-section *********************** Mandatory settings for the Capabilitycoordinator database DataServer The fully qualified domain name of the SQL server of the Capability Coordinator database, i.e. DataUser The user name of the database urser for the Capability Coordinator database DataPassword The password of the Capability Coordinator database user ServerProcessPath The full path of the process folder of CapabilityCoordinator. The process folder is normally located at C:\ProgramData\P.Cap\CapabilityCoordinator\Default\Process. The ServerProcessPath need to be accessible from the database server., i.e. \\myserver\c$\ProgramData\P.cap\CapabilityCoordinator\Default\Process *********************** Capability sub-section *********************** Mandatory settings for the Capability application and the Capability database DataServer The fully qualified domain name of the SQL server of the Capability database, i.e. DataDB The database name of the Capability application DataUser The user name of the database urser for the Capability database DataPassword The password of the Capability database user LoginSiteLocalRootPath (optional) The path to the Capability installation. If omitted, the execution path of the Capability Cordinator application is assuemd. Alternatively, provide LoginHostName Capability application name, i.e. LoginUserName Capability application name, i.e. LoginUserName Capability application database isdr name LoginPassword Capability application database isdr name *********************** Messaging sub-section *********************** SMTPRecipients Semicolon separeted string of e-mail addresses to recieve status emails from Capability Coordinator SMTPSender E-mail address of email sender SMTPServer Fully qualified domain nam,e of outgoind mail server